
Working together to support patients

Chronic pain is a challenging and complex problem that benefits from a multimodal and team approach. Our approach is that of the Faculty of Pain Medicine, which involves addressing biomedical, psychological and social factors, typically over a period of 3-6 months depending on funding availability. We recognise the central role of General Practitioner in the patient’s journey
and will endeavour to work closely together. Having the team working to the same plan is key to the success of pain management, and so if there is any aspect of our treatment that you are unsure of, please do not hesitate to contact us.


We receive referrals by email or ERMS. Please note that our ability to accept referrals is dependent on funding and capacity. Please note the following:
  • ACC patients will require approval from the case manager, due to the resources required for an initial chronic pain assessment.
  • Ongoing management for ACC patients will depend on case manager approval for a pain management service at Australis.
  • Private insurance patients will typically have their specialist component of their treatment covered, but will usually have to pay for any psychology or physiotherapy.


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