All referrals require a referral letter from a case manager or clinician (other specialist, GP, allied health clinician). These are triaged by a Specialist. It is important that all relevant medical information is available for the triage. If accepted, then a recommendation is made to the funder for an initial assessment. The appointment is only able to be booked after approval is received.
A tertiary pain service begins with a Comprehensive Pain Assessment, either by a Specialist Pain Medicine Physician alone, or by a multidisciplinary team. These assessments involve review of medical documents, a 1-2 hour patient assessment, contact with other care providers if required, patient education and a report.
We have two Specialist Pain Medicine Physicians at Australis Medical. Dr Chris Rumball, who is also a Specialist in Occupational & Environmental Medicine, and Dr Karen Joseph, who is also a Specialist Gynaecologist. Both are available to assess and manage patients with complex pain and rehabilitation needs.
From this assessment comes a recommendation for a treatment program. This program is only able to commence after funding approval is received.
Management programs will typically involve multiple team members working together
(Interdisciplinary Pain Management Program), and usually run over 2-6 months.
This program may be complemented with a Group Program where appropriate.
On occasions it may be appropriate for only a single clinician to be involved (Single Speciality Pain Management Program)
We follow up with our patients about 3 months after program completion to review progress
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