A Specialist Pain Medicine Physician is medical specialist who, following their first specialty, has completed an additional 2 years of training under the Faculty of Pain Medicine. Backgrounds can include anaesthetists, physicians, psychiatrists, gynaecologists and surgeons. Specialist Pain Medicine Physicians are trained in interdisciplinary pain management.
The spectrum of care provided by a pain specialist includes prescribing medication, co-ordinating rehabilitative services, performing pain relieving procedures, counselling patients and families, directing a multidisciplinary team, co-operating with other healthcare professionals and liaising with public and private agencies.
A Pain Psychologist is a clinical psychologist has has experience in helping patients with chronic pain.
'There is strong evidence that engaging with a psychologist with experience in treating pain early in your treatment can help your recovery. Psychologists can help address the barriers to your recovery. Psychologists are highly trained and qualified professionals skilled in helping people with a range of concerns related to wellbeing, mental health and behaviour, including the psychological difficulties that come with the experience of pain. It can be stressful managing tasks and completing activities while in pain. Psychologists are good at helping people develop their self-management and problem-solving skills, focusing on behaviour change and identifying the barriers that may prevent them from making progress. Psychologists can also assist individuals with chronic pain and their family to work towards their optimal functioning by setting goals and maintaining a balanced routine. Psychologists play a leading role in the delivery of pain management programs and can assess the person’s suitability to take part in such a program. Psychologists also play a key role in helping individuals with pain manage their ability to work. They can assist with managing concentration, motivation, behaviour, and emotions while at work and this can be very important for the person’s self-esteem and confidence. In addition, psychologists can assist with sleep health. Pain can be very disruptive for sleep and lack of sleep can exacerbate the ability to successfully manage pain. Therefore, learning strategies to sleep well is helpful with reducing the pain directly as well as being helpful for managing work and other commitments. (Australian Psychological Society)
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